These shorts are really cute and have a mock fly. I figured they would be really easy since they are just shorts right? I was frustrated in a few spots and walked away yesterday to clear my head. This morning I had to laugh at myself because I was over-thinking a step that was easy.
I choose a fabric from my stash:

Woven 1/4 Gingham Royal Blue from (I picked this up March 2012). Only $2.99 a yard right now! When I picked them up they were $2.87/yard with my coupon for 15% off; so I made these shorts for less than $3! I had only 1 yard and it was just a tad too small. I had to have one back leg panel sideways and not following the same grain as the others. In the future I will know I need 1 1/2 to 2 yards.
This Gingham is 65% polyester and 35% cotton, very lightweight. These shorts are intended to be sleepwear for Mr. T. I must say I prefer my 100% cotton; these were slippery to work with and my serger didn't like how light they were.
I decided to use red thread to contrast the blue and white check pattern. I like how the red pops off the shorts (even though it's hard to see from the pics).
I'm a pictures kind of gal so I struggled with directions that were just words. Read, look at fabric, re-read, sigh. The mock fly part was fun and made my eyes cross, until I realized what they were asking me to do. It was a light bulb moment (Like Gru on Despicable Me).
I did have an incident where my pinking shears got away from me on the right fly and made a hole in the crotch; however, the left side flap covered the hole so I decided to stitch up that side (I know I ruined the "mock" fly part - but at least I salvaged the shorts).
Also, I was lost on the sizing aspect. Mr. T measures all over the map on Ottobre. He is a 134 chest, 140 sleeve and height, and a 146 waist. I cut a 140 and I think they fit just fine. Mr. T thinks they are awesome and comfy to lounge in. Win for Mom!
Now that I have my first Ottobre pattern under my belt I feel more confident. I must say that I prefer quilters cotton to gingham. I will be making more of these cute shorts in the future ~ with some cotton.
~ Happy Sewing! ~ Kristin ~
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