Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m glad you found me in cyberspace. I am currently a stay-at-home mom to Miss K, 16 years old and Mr. T, 20 years old. I have 2 furbabies that I love terribly.
I enjoy getting creative and sewing things. I have an obsession with fabrics and patterns and I love trying out everything I find. I’m also obsessed with vintage patterns and fabric; I could look at them for eternity!
I have chronic health problems and sewing is peaceful to me; I love to do it. Feb 2021 I found out I had a large brain tumor. April 2021 I had a craniotomy. I am trying to navigate this valley in life and still cling to the things I love to do. Thanks for taking the time to visit! I have moved my blog over to SunnySewing.com -please come follow me there for new makes and continuing my journey!