I came across The Sew Weekly Reunion while blog surfing and thought it was an amazing challenge; I jumped at the chance to participate. It motivated me enough to make the dress so it is a win! I don't take enough time to sew for myself, mostly sewing for the kids. I'm happy this is pushing me to move toward making myself things too!
The Facts:
I cut and sewed a straight size 12. I wanted to do a 10 for the bodice but the pattern I had started at a 12. I really stressed out that the bodice would be too big, but I trudged forward.
I followed the directions pretty much most the way through. Step #34 I was wondering why the skirt back even had a center back seam. This can be eliminated and cut on the fold. After Step #35 I under-stitched all pocket seams where they join to the skirt and then after #36 I pinked all the pocket seams as shown below.
Now when I got to the collar I thought I was prepared. I've read many reviews on patternreview.com saying how the collar is a pain. I followed the advice of a few and read through these instructions by Pleasant View Schoolhouse. I also read through the pattern instructions a few times. You think I would get it and be good to go? No, I still messed up! See picture below and continue reading...
The bodice fits me but it is a bit big. I ended up taking in 1/2 inch on each side of the bodice under the armpit and tapering out to the waist - this helped but it's still baggy. The bust darts don't really line up correctly with my apexes but the patterned fabric helps mask that. I really needed to sew the bodice in a size 10.
Also, the whole time I was sewing I was actually thinking it was going to be too small for me. Then about halfway through it occurred to me that the button placket things attach to the facing - as in, the facing goes down the whole dress front on both sides. I thought at first the button plackets folded in half. The dress fit me better that way so when I added the facings it was too big. I hope that made sense!
Even though it is a tad big I will still wear it. I put 10.5 hours into this dress and I don't care that the bust is big! :-)
I also eliminated the armhole facings and used bias tape for those. It didn't quite go smoothly but it worked in the end. Next time I would stick with the facings.
Fabric: M'Liss Kimono II Fan ~ quilting cotton from Hancocks. My mom gave me her Hancock Bonus Bucks at Christmas Time last year and I used one to pick up the materials for this dress. 3.5 yards for $24.66 (-$20 bonus buck coupon)= $4.66. Dress calls for only 2.75 but I used almost all of the 3.5 yards? I see Hancocks still has it in stock and on sale for $5.99/yard. They describe it as M'Liss Butterflies and Fans on Teal Cotton. 100% cotton, 44" wide
Notions: Thread - Dark Jade $0.42 on sale, Interfacing 1.5 yards- had in the stash est. $3.00, Buttons - Slimline Red $0.70 each x 3.
Pantone Challenge colors: I guess I'm fashionable for once? My Pantone Fall 2013 colors used are Emerald, Samba - there may be a close resemblance to Linden Green as well. This was all totally unintentional. I really liked the fabric and my complexion makes me a jewel tone wearer so I went with it!

Year: Now OOP - but they still offer it for sale on the website. I picked it up Jan 2013. However, it is ©2005 on the actual pattern
Time to complete: I would say it took me 2 hours to trace, cut, and interface the dress. Then it took me 6 hours the first day of sewing and 2.5 hours today to finish it up. Total: 10.5 hours
First worn: I've only worn this for the photos today but I plan to wear it Friday when I take the kids fabric shopping with me all day and out of town. (wish me luck on that trip!)
Wear again? It fits well and looks good so I plan on wearing this lots! I plan on wearing this with a black cardigan when the weather turns but I will probably make another one with long sleeves, too.
Total Cost: $10.18 - Awesome!
A successful me-made item always puts a smile on my face. ~ Happy Sewing! ~ Kristin ~