Sunday, September 21, 2014

Update and a small blog break

So.... I have been sick. Like sick, sick, sick - as in "I can't get out of bed" sick.  This has been going on for 3 weeks now and of course before that I was dealing with a kidney stone/pulled back muscle.  I do have chronic health issues, and a myriad of other crap I deal with but this is unlike those and isn't letting up.

I'm really not sure what is going on but I have chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, and my stomach is killing me. My heart is fine - I've been checked and re-checked. But I just hope I don't have another stomach ulcer. Those are no fun!

My doctors have not been able to figure it out, but I still have hope.  Needless to say my sewing has come to a halt.  :(  I can't get out of bed most of the time, much less do or focus on anything else.

I just wanted to give you all an update, and let you know that when I do feel better (hopefully soon)  I'll be sewing ferociously!!  Until then, I'll keep reading your blogs and loving all that you make.

**I am not able to respond to each comment individually but I wanted to let you all know how much the comments were appreciated.  Thank you all, Your comments meant so much to me when I was feeling down.  You guys are the absolute best!**

~ Happy Sewing! ~ Kristin ~


  1. Really hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. So sorry you've been Ill. Hope you feel better soon. I love forward to more of your lovely makes!

  3. That's really crappy. I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this, Kristin! I hope you're back on your feet in no time!

  5. Please get better soon! Sorry to hear you've been suffering :(

  6. I'm so sorry:( Praying the doctors find an answer soon.

  7. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Hope you feel better soon!!

  8. Oh my gosh! Can you go to another doctor? There have been numerous times that my family members have had to seek out other medical professionals for diagnosis. Don't stop till you have an answer! You should not have to be in bed sick like this for that length of time without knowing why. :( I will be thinking of you and wishing you well.

  9. Ah Kristin, I too have chronic health issues which I am posting about soon as part of a blog award (don't worry I am fine at the moment), so I understand very much. Rest and take your time, it really is the only way. Wishing you a speedy recovery x x

  10. Well wishes to you.

  11. I hope you are getting better soon Kristin. And don't worry about the blog or sewing, the most important thing for you is to become healthy again. Hugs and kisses.

  12. My heart goes out to you. This sounds eerily similar to what I was going through prior to developing gastroparesis. I was having all of your symptoms. I got used to the chest pain but the shortness of breath was sooo unnerving. Looking back I realize that the SOB and chest pains were due to extreme stomach gas. If you’re not belching (I had stopped belching and hadn’t even realized it), I strongly encourage you to try gas-X or ginger tea and walking after meals. If lots of belching relives your SOB and chest pains please, please be sure to do everything you can to alleviate your symptoms, because I am convinced the constant gas sprained the muscles in my stomach and this is what caused the gastroparesis to develop. And if you can prevent developing GP, you really want to. None of my doctors had a clue what to do for me. It wasn’t until I saw my third gastroenterologist that I found any real help. He ordered me a hydrogen breath test and my results were borderline for having a SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) in spite of my diet. The doctor told me to take enteric coated peppermint oil (ECPO) which helped me more than anything else had other than dietary changes; I used Heather’s Tummy Tamers. At that point I had been sick for over a year and had lost 52 pounds. Another thing that you will find really helpful if severe gas is your problem is to try to eat as low a carbohydrate diet as possible. My PCP had told me to listen to my body and to eat based on my symptoms, so I had found through trial and error that carbohydrates didn’t agree with me. I strongly encourage you to keep a food journal and eliminate any foods that make your symptoms worse. I also had developed lactose and fructose intolerance and eliminating those helped as well. Instead of dizziness, I experienced lightheadedness. I really think this was some sort of reactive hypotension but no doctor has ever given me any reason why I was light headed. I still experience this occasionally but am so much better now.

    My main advice would be to read, read, read!!!! If gas is your problem search the internet for SIBO and you will find tons of information, some of it will be conflicting, but you just have to weed through it and find what works for you. After two years I am finally starting to get back to normal, but it was a long learning process for me. If I can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me at nwoods 70 at g mail (dot) com; I really hope that you don’t have what I had but if you find that gas is causing much of your symptoms, I can only encourage you not to rely solely on your doctor, but to learn all that you can to help yourself. I’ll be thinking about you. Please email if you have any questions. Nadine in NC

  13. I'm so sorry you've been having a rough go of it lately, Kristen. Thinking of you and hoping that the doctors can figure out what is causing all the symptoms and get you on the road to recovery. (((hugs)))

  14. So sorry you're not feeling well. I'm sure it's very frustrating. I hope you are able to find some solid answers soon :) A number of folks in my family have chronic illness - you're not alone!

  15. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well.:( I hope by now they have figured out what is going on and that you are on your way to a speedy recovery!

  16. Very sorry to hear you're feeling so badly. :( Here's hoping they figure it out or it sorts itself out in short order. *hugs*

  17. Thank you all, Your comments meant so much to me when I was feeling down. You guys are the absolute best!


Your comments really make my day! I read each and every one. Thank you!

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