Coin Purse or Gift Card Holder Tutorial
Step 1:
Cut out 2 pieces of fabric and 1 piece of fleece to the dimensions below
(Fleece will be inside fabrics and will not show on finished coin purse)
Step 2:
Place pieces in order of: 1. fabric with right side up. 2. fabric with right side down. 3. fleece on top and centered. Pin together.
Step 3: Sew around all fabrics with 1/2 inch seam allowance and leaving a 2 inch opening on the side as shown below. Clip seams to 1/8 inch and clip corners.
Step 4: Turn inside out from hole in side so that fleece is in the inside and both right sides of fabric are now showing. Push out all corners (*Hint* I use a bic clicker pencil, with no lead out, to easily push out the small corners).
Step 6: After sewing on the button re-fold the envelope and begin to top stitch around all layers of the outside.
(Ignore that there is no button on the bottom here. Oops, forgot to attach first on this one!)
WHEN YOU RETURN TO THE START POINT PIVOT THE NEEDLE TO SEW ACROSS THE TOP FLAP ONLY *** DO NOT SEW ACROSS THE OPENING FOR THE PURSE! *** Follow the green line as shown below. I used the edge of my sewing foot as a guide along the top opening of the purse to sew across here.
Step 7: Add button hole to top flap.
And you are done! Here is the inside:
And here are your pouches!
Fabric used:

Boys will be Boys Kaufman Owls Corduroy
Need some fabric? Want to save some money? Head to Wednesday for some great sales!
~ Happy Sewing! ~ Kristin ~
Hi! thanks for this cute little tutorial might have to whip up some of these for christmas