I finished these 2 cuties up today! My daughter, Miss K. had to help. She loves stuffing things. The girly one is a Tooth Fairy Princess and the boy one is a Tooth Fairy Police Man. These were super cheap and super fun to make. Next time I'll look for thicker felt though because mine was sort of see through. The mouths on these puppies are a pocket to put the tooth in when they fall out. The part I like most is these hang on a doorknob so the Tooth Fairy doesn't need to go digging under pillows in our house again!!!
MMMcrafts has the excellent tutorial on how to make these. Love her site!

As you can see, Miss K. LOVES hers.
And another positive note today; one of my fabric orders arrived! I can't wait to start some more projects. My mom is gone from her house so I think I'll go hunt down her serger.... :)
And I even was able to make time to enjoy the beautiful snow with Miss K. today; we built a cute fort and used food coloring to "paint" it. It was a good day.